Whether it is the police, firefighters or whatever sector coming next, misogynistic, racist and homophobic workplaces are being exposed with more data, more evidence and more voices in the room than ever before. I’d like to say that we are getting traction on solutions, although progress seems to be breath-takingly slow. Awareness is surely the start of any change though,…
Is your Bid Production process neat and aligned like this sushi, with your bid perfectly finished and ready to go? In the final stages of a large bid, although we might fantasise about the component parts all turning up complete and on time, the documentation team merely doing final checks to bring everything together, the finance team simply carrying…
“I’m currently sitting on 4 tenders, all of which are 40,000 – 80,000 word responses, all of which need a fairly large piece of estimation and I’m the bid team, pretty much the whole bid team.” This comment was made to me by a bid professional recently. He was finding it hard to sympathise with the challenges of leading a…