Is there an “Us” and “Them” in your bid team? It can be hard to create one winning spirit in a bid team, where everyone visibly lines up with equal enthusiasm against the goal. As a bid team member it can be upsetting and frustrating if others don’t seem to be working as hard as you. As the Bid Director,…
Do you have experience of corrosive conflict in bid teams? Here’s a brief quiz for December! Was it: (A) Put under the carpet. In other words, it was denied that the conflict existed, had any impact on the team or the bid outcomes. (B) The precursor to aggression. Of course people are polite first. When all else fails, aggression is justified…
“I’m currently sitting on 4 tenders, all of which are 40,000 – 80,000 word responses, all of which need a fairly large piece of estimation and I’m the bid team, pretty much the whole bid team.” This comment was made to me by a bid professional recently. He was finding it hard to sympathise with the challenges of leading a…
It can be wearing when enthusiasm fails and you only see the problems in a bid. When the parameters, pressures and requirements expressed in the tender seem a massive problem, with a focus only on price. It can feel like being in a tunnel rather than a creative, exploratory, innovative approach to improvement. And yet, as an experienced Bid…
Do you have too much information, too many sources of data and too many entangled ideas for your bid? As a bid professional you are only too aware that creating winning themes is a key part of developing a winning solution. A solution that excites your in-house bid evaluators, and then excites your client even more once your bid…