Recently I was invited to deliver a workshop for a new client organisation, “Using Your Strengths in Your Professional Development”, to stimulate a group of staff to engage differently and more deeply with their careers. I was recommended for this work following a workshop I gave for independent coaches “Using your Strengths to Attract the Work You Love”, earlier in…
GILL HOW turns towards you, looks you in the eye and says “I help you grow”. She is expert at turning her own story, together with its transformative moments, into insightful, incisive and heartfelt learning for us all. Collaborative, creative, motivated by mutual learning, she works with individuals and groups, inside and outside organisations, to surpass expectations through personal and…

Tension starting in the stomach. My head thinking – this could escalate massively out of control. Leading to? Something I call negative imagination. All because, like many others I know, professionally, I am getting much more busy again. Which should be good, but can also bring up anxiety, and if I am not careful, take me a little too near…
“They made me, they decided, they excluded me” – do you ever use this language about your colleagues at work, in your head, if not out loud? Recently a friend asked me “So how do you stop being a victim?”.This was after a long talk about her experiences with her family over the Christmas period, where family patterns had been…
“My mother is a sociopath”. ” You are either a slave or an enemy.” These comments come from an article with Tamara Mellon in The Times magazine, 19th October this year. What has this got to do with me? Even worse, why did these comments resonate? (and that’s me in the role of the mother I’m talking about, not Tamara…
My two boys and me are avid watchers Strictly Come Dancing. They are 16 and 13 and it is one of the few things we watch on TV together. On Saturday night, my husband cooks or we have a takeaway, and eat off trays in front of the TV. We like to break our own rules from time to time…