Kim Scott, in her book, Radical Candour, tells the story of when she was waiting to cross the road with her golden retriever puppy. Her dog was tugging at the leash. A stranger said, “I can tell you really love your dog”. He took two seconds to show he was supportive, not judging Kim or her dog training skills. Then…
We are charting new territory as we restore our freedoms and evolve into the next stage of our lives and careers. What can help? Some of us are languishing, not feeling much joy, we are anxious and afraid. Knowing or re-knowing our purpose can make a very big difference to our focus, energy and confidence. However, this can be easier…
Does it feel like you have been stuck in a zoom call for the last 12 months? That your career has been submerged under the weight of water whilst we engage with each other as if all is well? Career progress has not been so concrete, or tangible or evidence based for many of us since Coronavirus. We may have…
For the first six weeks of 2021 I had a diet of Willpower, Working and Walking. Then suddenly, one day, there was a sudden dip to Wallowing. The moment for Netflix had arrived. Big time. I didn’t know what to do, but one thing was certain, my energy to persevere had disappeared. My ability to persevere had served me well…
January has felt a long month, and with Lockdown No. 3 there has been a lot of walking for me; much of which has been in mud. Here are some of my learning points: 1 There’s nothing like timing … My daughter gave me walking poles for my birthday last year (it’s in April). She was disappointed that they were…
I’m told that both Maya Angelou and Albert Einstein suffered from Imposter Syndrome. Each believed themselves to be a fraud. Whatever the evidence, their fear was their talents did not merit the attention they gained. Yet I believe that most of us would agree that the world is a better place for their having somehow overcome this syndrome. They continued…