Whether it is the police, firefighters or whatever sector coming next, misogynistic, racist and homophobic workplaces are being exposed with more data, more evidence and more voices in the room than ever before. I’d like to say that we are getting traction on solutions, although progress seems to be breath-takingly slow. Awareness is surely the start of any change though,…
What difference to outcomes does it make? On a VERY hot day last week, I was part of a team of six facilitators supporting an awayday for an organisation of 120 staff. This was their first face to face meeting post pandemic, they have created a mixture of new hybrid professional offerings, recruited many new staff and wanted a clear…
Will Smith’s behaviour at the Oscars has prompted a rash of writing, it has urged me to share something of my own story and thinking too. In the era I was brought up, what we now call domestic violence was far more common. Sometimes it was even seen as an ordinary and appropriate part of parenting. After seven years in…
I got a message that our elderly neighbour wanted her spare key returning. I dug it out and crossed the road to see her. She is in her 90s, increasingly frail and it was very near the beginning of Lockdown 1. She opened the door, relying heavily on her walking stick. Given her age, I kept a good 2m apart….
As part of my Physics degree, I completed eight weeks’ vacation training at the United Kingdom Atomic Energy Authority (UKAEA) at Culham in Oxfordshire at the end of my second year. We were looking at nuclear fusion. The experience didn’t feel like it was going too well – it was allowing me to see that scientific research wasn’t a good…
“Owning our story and loving ourselves through that process is the bravest thing that we will ever do.” Brené Brown Earlier this year I started reading my Dad’s war time stories. These are written under a pseudonym, Fergus McGregor; I am three years in, it’s 1942. North Africa and Alamein come next. I photocopied his memoirs for him in 1982!…