It can be wearing when enthusiasm fails and you only see the problems in a bid. When the parameters, pressures and requirements expressed in the tender seem a massive problem, with a focus only on price. It can feel like being in a tunnel rather than a creative, exploratory, innovative approach to improvement. And yet, as an experienced Bid…
Influence what you can. Here is my daughter Hannah, poised to bungee jump off Victoria Falls Bridge. Over a decade’s worth of ballet lessons came into use, as she consciously held her space and chose her position. Does it feel as positive a choice as this for you, when you enter a courageous conversation? Many, many of my…
Do you have too much information, too many sources of data and too many entangled ideas for your bid? As a bid professional you are only too aware that creating winning themes is a key part of developing a winning solution. A solution that excites your in-house bid evaluators, and then excites your client even more once your bid…
Effective interdependency with other team members is an essential component of winning a bid. From coaching members of numerous teams – Bid, Sales and Leadership teams – I know that working interdependently to achieve high performance is much more easily said than done. It‘s much easier to stay comfortable huddled around our stovepipes or deep inside our silos than it…
We had a great experience when visiting the Nxamaseri Island Lodge, part of the Okavango Pan Handle in Botswana last year. The Pan Handle is before the river becomes the delta – it is starting to widen, has waterways, floodplains, lagoons and islands, it has both deeper and more shallow water and is extremely beautiful. It was…
For me, visiting the five million year old red sand dunes in the Namib Desert was the most important part of our family trip to Namibia last summer. I found images of the tall, vibrantly coloured dunes almost unbelievable, and yearned to see them. The thought of the dunes going on for miles and miles intrigued me. …