2017 needs to be the year for getting involved, not standing on the side. This applies to me too. For years I would swim and not get my hair wet. There was nothing my kids liked more than getting my hair wet. But now, to their disappointment, I do it for myself. What happened? Our local swimming centre advertised improvement sessions…
We delivered our new four-day course “Growing Your Leadership Edge” in Kampala, Uganda and then went to visit the source of the Nile. Why? It was an opportunity to see more of this beautiful country before coming home, and there is something about the allure of the very idea, isn’t there, about finding the source of this great river. In…
Do you have experience of corrosive conflict in bid teams? Here’s a brief quiz for December! Was it: (A) Put under the carpet. In other words, it was denied that the conflict existed, had any impact on the team or the bid outcomes. (B) The precursor to aggression. Of course people are polite first. When all else fails, aggression is justified…
“She entered the leadership contest right at the last minute, didn’t engage in the process and over the last 18 days I’m afraid we haven’t had any leadership from her” UKIP councillor Lisa Duffy speaking about Diane James. Ouch. “It has become clear that I do not have sufficient authority, nor the full support of all my MEP colleagues…
Multiple grey headed white men, including quite a few Bid Directors, were told time and time again about the need for greater diversity in rail infrastructure at a High Speed 2 conference I recently attended. (HS2 will be the largest infrastructure project in Europe, taking high speed rail to the north of England, increasing speed and capacity). It was a…
We booked an extra guide for our caving trip in Swaziland this year. Why did we do this? Surely one guide for a family of four would be enough? It’s because our older son has learning difficulties. With additional support he can do almost anything. Generally my husband and I help him. But not this time. Let…