For the first time in my adult life, I am, by choice, wearing a poppy for Remembrance Sunday. It is a red poppy, with a green leaf behind it. When I was at school, only the teachers got the green leaf, the rest of us just a red poppy! This is just one indicator of how things have moved on!!
Recently I attended an assessment day, as part of finding out more about becoming an associate of a leadership development company. I gave a presentation on “Developing a strengths based culture to improve performance”. It felt very me, innovative, leading edge, experimental, not yet quite proven, at least not on any large scale basis that I am aware of, yet…
I have been feeling a bit of a fraud with strengths recently. Another way of putting that would be to say that I have been doing some deep learning!! The lightbulb was when I was reading Brenee Brown’s book, Daring Greatly, and the section on perfectionism. About how unhelpful it is, (I knew that already!) but more importantly, she offered…
I am writing this for somebody I know who is having difficulty at school. Someone who is finding social time hard. I was thinking back to when I was fourteen, and some excruciatingly painful and rejecting experiences I had. I was good at joining lots of things, (something that is still true!), and sometimes – not always, but sometimes –…
This is my second blog entry. I have moved from a state of calm and “I can handle it whatever the outcome” , at least I can handle it ethnically and honestly and using my judgement each step of the way – to – what exactly I wonder? I am referring to what I used to call my “job search”,…
Yesterday felt different. It was my coaching supervision group in Guildford. One member wasn’t with us due to illness, and although we knew they had made the right decision for them, it felt a little different for us. Somehow it was an opportunity to re-form, to be different, maybe something about entering autumn. Our children had gone back to school…